I was given this product to try a few weeks ago and I am quite confused about it. It is advertised as a moisturizing skin protectant, which in a sense it is, but it is almost entirely comprised of petrolatum. Petrolatum is a somewhat controversial ingredient in skincare as some people, like myself, feel that it is a pore clogging ingredient and has limited benefits while others find it beneficial. Petrolatum serves as a skin barrier indeed but just as it does not let moisture out, it also does not let moisture in which is an issue for obvious reasons. MoistureWORX also claims to be non greasy. That is crazy considering it made of 30% petrolatum. It's like saying that "Vaseline" isn't greasy- or course it is!! The smell is also somewhat intolerable. I am all for eliminating too many scent inducing ingredients because they can usually cause more irritation than anything else but this is not something I enjoy having anywhere near my nose.
Basically, the only plus to this product is that it comes in a spray form. Pack this in your suitcase the next time you are afraid of windburn, but otherwise, save your money. I can hardly find any other information regarding this product except for on the manufacturer's website so I believe the only way to purchase this is through the manufacturer directly or from a sales representative in the event you still have any interest in this product. Yuck!